
Kuwait time (GMT+3)


Registration and Welcoming


Opening Ceremony and Keynote

Host Keynote
Fahad AlOthman

Chairman of the Board of Trustees
American University of the Middle East

Keynote Speech
Cassie Kozyrkov

CEO at Data Scientific, Former Google Executive and Chief Decision Scientist


Opening Plenary Session: How can AI and Industries best collaborate?

Collaborations between AI and industries have proven pivotal in fostering innovation, driving business growth, and establishing ethical standards. The transformative impact of AI technologies is evident in their ability to enhance job efficiency, deliver valuable insights, and reshape entire industries. The session will delve into themes such as responsible AI, the integration of AI into various products and services, and the creation of collaborative ecosystems that blend human creativity with AI efficiency. Additionally, the discussion will address AI’s role in accelerating sustainability efforts, utilizing data for green growth, and improving overall performance.

Cassie Kozyrkov

CEO at Data Scientific, Former Google Executive and Chief Decision Scientist

Daniel Fletcher

Professor and Chair of Engineering Biological Systems, Deputy Division Director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley




Plenary Session II. The Human Touch vs. AI in Healthcare

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on healthcare has been profound, significantly advancing systems by simplifying administrative tasks, enhancing precision, and improving information accessibility. It revolutionized patients’ diagnostics, particularly in radiology, ultimately saving lives. Yet, among these opportunities, AI lacks human empathy and touch. In this panel, we will discuss the evolving landscape of AI in healthcare and the AI solutions that transformed our healthcare system.

Wassim El Malti

Associate Dean of the College of Health Sciences, AUM

Ahmad Nasrallah

Chief Executive Officer of Dar Al Shifa Hospital, Kuwait

Mohsen Hejrati

Senior Director of Foundational AI at Genentech, United States

Antoni Sebaali

Surgical Robotics Clinical Specialist MENA Region at InnovaMed, UAE


Plenary Session III. AI “is the one” Engineering & Manufacturing are waiting for?

Throughout the years, engineering and manufacturing have experienced various disruptive technologies that impacted the industry and consumers in different ways. Artificial Intelligence is characterized by an unprecedented fast pace of adoption and is flourishing within almost all engineering fields and manufacturing infrastructures. In this panel, we will discuss how engineering and manufacturing are embracing AI technologies, we will explore the opportunities provided by AI in each type of industry and go over various related challenges and discuss our readiness for potential risks and ethical issues.

Taha Beyrouthy

Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology, AUM

Mohammed Ghazal

Top researcher and AI specialist, Professor and Department Chair, Abu Dhabi University, UAE

Manal Jalloul

Founder and CEO of AI Lab (an Artificial Intelligence tech hub), Lebanon

Daniel Fletcher

Professor and Chair of Engineering Biological Systems, Deputy Division Director at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley




Plenary Session IV. AI's Evolutionary Impact: Transforming Financial Institutions into Tomorrow's Innovators

In our rapidly evolving technological transformation in Finance, commonly referred as Fintech, the integration of AI has fundamentally transformed the landscape of financial institutions, indicating a tech-driven innovation, efficiency, and unique opportunities. In this panel, we will discuss how AI has transformed banking, investments, and financial services, revolutionizing operations and delivering personalized experiences. We will discuss AI’s evolution, its impact on operation’s efficiency and customer relations through cutting-edge AI-driven technologies. We will also explore the evolution of financial market in terms of AI adoption, highlighting the optimized payment processes and robust fraud detection it brings, while navigating the challenges posed by regulatory frameworks and ethical considerations.

Audil Khaki

Dean of the College of Business Administration, AUM

Tanya Roosta

Senior Manager and Generative AI Specialist at Amazon, AI Lecturer University of California, Berkeley

Yousef Al-Kateefi

Assistant General Manager, Global IT Operations and International Banking Group Technology, National Bank of Kuwait

Janan Ben Salamah

Senior Manager – Advanced Data Analytics, Boubyan Bank


Plenary Session V. Embracing AI in Higher Education Institutions around the World

In this panel discussion, leaders and experts from Higher Education sector and supporting industries worldwide will come together to share their experiences and strategies in navigating the transformative landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration within academic institutions. The discussion will extend across various crucial dimensions, providing a comprehensive exploration of how these leaders and experts are steering their institutions to not only adapt but thrive in the era of AI.

Yahya Lakys

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, AUM

M'hamed el Aisati

Vice President Research Analytics and Data Services at Elsevier, The Netherlands

Narimane Hadj-Hamou

Founder and the CEO of the Center of Learning Innovations and Customized Knowledge Solutions, UAE

Wissam Sammouri

Campus Director of 42 Beirut and Assistant Professor of Data Analytics Lebanese American University

Venkat Srinivasan

Founder & Chair of Gyan AI, managing Partner of Innospark Ventures, United States

Eve Alcock

Director of Public Affairs and QAA’s AI expert, QAA, United Kingdom


Summit closing

Georges Yahchouchi

President of AUM